Thursday, September 13, 2007

Creating a "Spiritual Wedding Ceremony" - Often A Challenge For Couples...

Congratulations to Thom & Susie Cosgrove, 2007
DAR House, Seattle, Washington
Photo: - the Fabulous Clare!

When a couple comes to me, we often work to create a meaningful and poignant wedding ceremony which incorporates different religious/spiritual/secular traditions and beliefs. In this work that I do, my task is to craft and deliver a ceremony which reflects a couple's love story, relationship and gratitude to family/friends - and so much more.

Often, couples who work with me want a "spiritual wedding ceremony" and at times have trouble putting their thoughts into words. Rev. Judith Johnson does this well and I'd like to share the following that she wrote:

"When a couple chooses to be married outside the doctrinal definitions of a particular religion or spiritual path, they have the opportunity to put their signature on the wedding ceremony so that it reflects their individual and combined beliefs and values. Every word, every gesture, can be imbued with a deep significance for the couple."

Judith and I are on the the same page - "a wedding ceremony is a wonderful opportunity for self-expression and a declaration of the power of love!"

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