Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Get Creative! Seating For Your Ceremony - What About A Ceremony In The Round?

How Wonderful! Cheers to Todd & Andrea Calhoun
February 16, 2008, Court In the Square, Seatttle, WA

This amazing photo is the beautiful work of Seattle Wedding Photographer Kurt Smith www.kurtsmithphotography.com
Todd and Andrea wanted something very special for their wedding ceremony "seating" - they chose to have their family and friends stand around them in a circle of support and community. And their ceremony on February 16th was beautiful, poignant with sweet moments of tenderness and laughter.
Traditional seating for a wedding ceremony is often the choice for most couples. And on occasion, a bride and groom will consider an alternative that reflects their individual style and personality. So, as you plan your ceremony, consider alternatives for traditional seating - especially if the indoor venue or outdoor space is a backdrop for something particuarly unique and different.

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