Friday, November 02, 2007

November - Facilitating and Teaching My Wonderful 12-Week Class to Celebrants From All Around The Country...

Kanishka and Marisa, 2007, Stimson Green Mansion*
*Photo: The amazing, creative and sparkly April Greer -
Wedding Photographer Extraordinaire!

Each Fall, I teach a 12-week course to Celebrants around the County on how to craft and create a Celebrancy Practice that offers very personalized and custom ceremonies to individuals, couples and families.

This Fall, I'm having so much fun! I have a great group of 12 Celebrants from all parts - including Oregon, Wyoming, New Jersey, Illinois and more. All are in different stages of building their Celebrancy Practices and it's my pleasure and honor to work intimately with this group to forward the Celebrancy movement within the United States.

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