Monday, December 20, 2010

Fun Things Happen On The Way To A Wedding: Giggles From 2010 Ceremonies...

As I take a deep breath of gratitude for a wonderful wedding year in 2010, I can't help but think about the fun moments, the wacky moments, the "oh dear," moments and the many moments that took my breath away in awe.

So, as I take this week and next for rest and play, I think about these moments from 2010 and giggle:

~ The moment Michael and Lindy's young son escaped from a front church pew and made a beeline for the back of the church - to run with glee down the center aisle of St. Paul's church to his parents during their vows!

~ The moment Betsy the dog started howling during a sentimental song in a wedding ceremony (very funny and memorable for all!)

~ After reminding Best Man Brad about the rings 3 times, he still forgot the rings!

~ When Jeff and his wedding party rode in on a golf cart to start the wedding ceremony ~ and it stalled half-way!

Joy, joy and more joy ~ you've got to love it. Here is to a fun-filled and very meaningful 2011!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Getting Married "Holiday Style" in Seattle ~ A Big Tip For A Pre-Holiday Wedding Ceremony...

John and Cassie ~ I had so much fun with you on your wedding day at Port Gamble Church!

Just look at the photo to the right - John is proud and so handsome on this wedding day and Cassie was over-the-top stylish and gorgeous, too. Best of all, at their core, this couple is all about graciousness, kindness and loving commitment.

John and Cassie took advantage of off-season rates and discounts for their December wedding.

Big Tip: A holiday wedding is all about timing: you'll find great deals from wedding vendors and many venues if you schedule your wedding between the weekend immediately after Thanksgiving thru December 15th.

This three-week window is often "downtime" for many of us in the wedding business and while some take this as vacation time, many wedding professionals offer sweet discounts and added value to provide products and services during this time.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Planning Your Seattle Wedding Ceremony? Three Quick Tips To "Remember More..."

A funny thing may happen to a bride or groom on the way down the aisle ~ or when a wedding ceremony ceremony anesthesia!


A wedding ceremony is a big emotional event. Knowing this, I often write for "moments" as moments and the "feeling" of a ceremony are what a couple and their family and friends will remember in the coming years, not the actual words.

As you plan your ceremony, here are three quick tips to "remember more..."

1) Slow Things Down. Elegant humor in the first minute or two of a ceremony relaxes everyone and "grounds a couple" to remember more of their ceremony... Memo and Kristin (in the photo above) are a great example of this. They mixed the sacred with elegant humor and created great ceremony memories for their wedding day at Shilshole Bay Beach Club.

2) Don't Over Practice. Rehearsals are terrific and at the same time, spontaneous moments create lifetime memories that "planning tactics" can't replicate.

3) "Focus On Each Other" ~ I encourage a couple to "focus on the other" during the ceremony - and by doing so, the rest of the world hopefully fades away a bit.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Jim & Holly's Wedding Ceremony ~ Sweet, Simple & Memorable

Jim and Holly's wedding ceremony on the deck of a waterfront home in Des Moines as the sun was setting was a truly "happy moment."

Wedding Photographer Sean Werner joined me to get this wonderful and fun couple "hitched" at sunset ~ and with a couple of their closest friends as witnesses, Jim and Holly exchanged vows with big smiles and a few laughs.

To me, it doesn't matter if a wedding ceremony guest list is 2 witnesses or 200 people.

It's all about the "feeling" and energy of the moment. Yes, I know this sounds "woo-woo" ~ and it's true.

Few couples or family/friends remember the words of a wedding ceremony. What people do remember is the "feeling" and for Jim and Holly on that waterfront deck at sunset, the feeling was pure joy.

Sean Werner:

Sunday, November 21, 2010

2011 ~ Looking Ahead To A New Wedding Year And A Few Inside Planning Tips....

Greg and I are back from a wonderful two week vacation in the Caribbean ~ rested and excited to re-engage for a new year.

Much like a bride and groom may feel at the end of their wedding day, is how I often feel at the very end of a 10-month wedding season - happy, worn out and so glad it's over.

Glad it's over?!

Yes ~ absolutely. It's a wonderful feeling to know that my weddings for the year are complete and well done (hopefully my couples agree). What I'm not shy about sharing with my couples and colleagues in the wedding world is the gentle tension I often carry and hide around every wedding.

The challenge of creating and officiating a wedding ceremony is this: you can't do it over. So with this work comes a level of attention and performance that demands a high degree of dedication and planning to insure a beautiful and memorable result - i.e., an authentic weddding ceremony.

As Kelly and Ryan worked to create a beautiful wedding day experience, thousands of couples in the Puget Sound area are now planning their weddings for 2011. Let me humbly offer a few hard earned "planning tips from the frontline of all things wedding..."

~ Keep It Real: If you want to be married on Alki Beach with 2 witnesses ~ do it. If you want to be married at Villa Academy like Kelly and Ryan with great pomp, do it. This is your wedding and keeping it real means doing what is right for you. Tune out all "do this/do that" wedding noise and stay true to what is important to you.

~ Plan Not Only A Wedding, Plan A Marriage: Your engagement time is not only for wedding planning, it is a remarkable moment in time to grow deeper in your loving relationship. Ask the big questions, create your covenants, road map your vision/desires for your marriage - use your engagement time to grow deeper in love and understanding so you may walk into your wedding day with grace and ease.

Here's to a wonderful 2011!

Friday, November 05, 2010

Life Is All About Change - Missing Our Beloved Dog Huckleberry And What I Learned From "Huckie" About Weddings...

We have unexpectedly lost our beloved Cocker Spaniel ~ the most Handsome Huckleberry ~ to a fast growing tumor in his abdomen.

Greg and I rescued Huckleberry 3 1/2 years ago from a life of abuse and neglect and we loved this sweet little gentleman so very much.

Huckleberry was kind. He endured a life of neglect for many years and yet he saw the world with loving eyes and a huge heart.

Huckleberry would most often rest on his bed near my desk as I would work. Sometimes I would ask Huckie for a little inspiration while writing a ceremony. Most often, he snoozed through my questioning and today, missing Huckleberry, I offer these three wedding nuggets which remind me of Huckleberry.

~ When it comes to a wedding, lead with kindness and gratitude and on a wedding day, live in the moment with happiness. Guests often take their cue from a couple ~ family and friends love a ceremony and celebration oozing with appropriate gratitude and graciousness.

~ Everyone is beautiful and handsome on a wedding day. Everyone!

~ Wag more. Bark less. Huckleberry stole this from a car bumper sticker and it's true beyond measure.

We miss you, Huckleberry. So very much.

Love, Annemarie & Greg

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Robb and Ann's Sweet And Intimate Wedding Ceremony At The Edgewater Hotel ~ Sunset, Ferries, Very Happy Faces!

Robb and Ann traveled from California to downtown Seattle to be married waterside on October 22nd at the wonderful Edgewater Hotel on Alaskan Way. They exchanged personal vows that were a surprise and it was truly a hankie moment.

The Edgewater Hotel is a favorite of mine for a wedding ceremony and reception - whether the guest list is 2-10 happy people or 200+ happy people.

The weather was iffy during Robb and Ann's wedding week and on Friday afternoon/early evening, the clouds parted and we had beautiful sunshine on the "wedding deck" overlooking the Puget Sound!

Photo Guy Kier from Firstlight Photography was on hand to capture the moment ~ isn't the smile on Ann's face to the right just fabulous?

Robb and Ann ~ How wonderful to have a "place" to return to celebrate your wedding day and future anniversaries!

First Light Photography (Kier & Mitzi)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Hidden Life Of A Wedding Officiant ~ Congrats To My 2010 Class of Celebrants/Officiants!

Each Fall, I lead an 8-week intensive program with a dozen Wedding Celebrants & Officiants from all around our Country.

And tonight, as I write this blog, I'm about to lead our last class/program and am so very inspired with the caliber and heart of all that is a "Wedding Officiant/Celebrant."

In this work that I do, it's illuminating to me to really understand the heart and drive of a passionate Officiant/Celebrant ~ one that is fully committed to providing services to an engaged couple at the "perfume level."

As I finish with this group of 12 outstanding Wedding Officiants/Celebrants, I offer this insight into a heart of an Officiant:

~ The best Officiants are passionate about what they do. They are grateful for the opportunity to create and officiate ceremony and everything they do is about a couple and their wedding day.

~ The best Officiants truly freak out once or twice a year. This work can be intense and very personal and we're not perfect. We fall down. We screw up. We forget something. The best Officiants freak out and get over it - or if they mess up, they make it right. Always.

~ The best Officiants know a wedding ceremony is not about them. While a big focus of a ceremony is on an Officiant, the true focus is the couple. And a great Officiant works to showcase a couple and their people/tribe!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Festive Weekday Wedding for Brian and Ashley at Seattle's Olive 8!

Brian and Ashley were married on a sunny Monday afternoon ~ a most marvelous weekday wedding at a very fun and contemporary venue, downtown Seattle's Olive 8.

Ron Shaw of Always Focused On You Photography captured beautiful images from Brian and Ashley's ceremony and he caught us in the middle of their cocktail hour for the photo at the right.

Brian and Ashley worked to create a ceremony that was truly reflective of their loving relationship (they met working for Olive 8) and one that celebrateed their "tribe" ~ i.e., the people who love and support them.

Brian and Ashley ~ Go take on the world as husband and wife!

Ron Shaw:

Monday, October 11, 2010

Elegant Laughter ~ A Magical Elixir During A Contemporary Wedding Ceremony...


Just take a peak at Lili and Jacob's photo taken by Flowertoss Photography during their wonderful wedding ceremony at Robinswood House in Bellevue.

Laughter ~ giggles ~ big and small smiles ~ all of this has a perfect and elegant place within a contemporary wedding ceremony.

Remarkably, I find that many people have not been to a wedding ceremony where the "joy bar" has been raised ~ i.e., where laughter and appropriate humor are a piece of a marriage ritual.

In most of the ceremonies that I create and deliver, I like to weave in bits of humor and laughter. Of course, this all depends on the couple, their background/traditions and "where we're going with a ceremony."

And overall, I have found that touches of laughter, sweetness and glee add a flourishing touch to a memorable moment.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Children Of All Ages LOVE A Big Job Within A Wedding Ceremony!

Look at this face!

Michael and Lindy Zachau's son, Wake, is just way too cute!

This gorgeous photo, taken by photographer Barbie Hull, in a pew at St. Paul's Church in Port Gamble this year, is one of those "aw schucks" kind of photos.

Involving children within a wedding ceremony is a dance in all things unexpected. Children love participating in a wedding ritual and providing a "big job" to a child - no matter what the age - is an opportunity to create a lifetime moment.

It's not about whether the child perfectly "executes" the job ~ it's about giving a little one a marvelous opportunity to participate in a special day with the adults "rolling" with what ultimately happens.

For instance, during the ceremony, Wake decided to leave his seat with his relatives and explore the back of the church. We saw him at the end of the aisle and called to him during the ceremony ~ he ran down the aisle and into the arms of his parents. Unexpected and unplanned, this was truly momentous and absolutely a lifetime moment for Michael and Lindy! - photography

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Robert and Kate ~ A Sweet & Intimate Wedding At Seattle's Bacon Mansion on Capital Hill

I remember the first time I spoke with Kate on the phone. I immediately liked her!
And during the weeks that I worked via email and phone to build a ceremony for Kate and her sweetheart, Robert, I learned more about their beautiful and poignant love story and the personal challenges that sweetened their ceremony with gratitude and appreciation.

Robert + Kate ~ And they got hitched! At The Bacon Mansion with 20 plus close family and friends.
Once pronounced husband and wife, Robert took Kate's hand and they danced...there might have been 20 or so people looking on and in this moment, it was just them.
Robert and Kate ~ I wish you much happiness and am so happy you were able to leave Seattle in good health and with such promise!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fred and Jennie Hall ~ From Tucson to Seattle ~ The Willows Lodge//Summer 2010

Fred and Jennie Hall are one of those couples I will remember forever.

They both live in Tucson, Arizona and I worked with Fred and Jennie via phone, email and editing pen to craft and write their wedding ceremony.

I finally met Fred and Jennie at rehearsal and was (and still am) so very taken with how they came to their wedding day ~ with graciousness, kindness and a grand sense of family and community.

Fred and Jennie coordinated their Seattle wedding long distance, juggling all of the logistics and challenges of selecting "vendors," coordinating venue details and much more. I often work with a couple who is "Seattle bound" for their wedding day and if it's a good match from the get go, the process of building and writing a ceremony can be very seamless.

Jennie ~ may you fly in the clouds with grace and protection. Fred ~ play ball!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Wedding At Seattle's Rainier Club ~ Michael and Suzanne ~ So Much To Celebrate!

Michael and Suzanne were married on a sunny Summer afternoon at Seattle's Rainier Club ~ much to the absolute delight of their family and friends.
Suzanne's Mother flew in from England to attend the wedding and this intimate gathering was a perfect complement to a ceremony and celebration so well planned by this couple.
Suzanne's son, Daniel, did a spectacular job as "ring boy" and at the end of the ceremony, he joined the clapping and congratulations by raising his hands in the air with great joy - so well captured in a photo!
Suzanne and Michael ~ I wish you much happiness and you are to be so very proud of the family you have created together and your special addition this Fall!

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Irwin and Dawn at The Willows Lodge ~ Great Fun, Sweet Moments And A Memorable Unity Candle!

Dawn and Irwin had one big wish for their wedding ceremony and celebration ~ they truly wanted it to be a FUN and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

They succeeded...and in a big way. And truly, this isn't always easy to do. Why?

Dawn and Irwin kept everything related to "all things wedding" beautifully in perspective. They inherently knew what was important for their day and what didn't rate on their "wedding scale."

Irwin is one of those guys who is a party unto himself! People just love him and gravitate to him. Dawn is beautiful, a bit more reserved and accomplished ~ a perfect complement to her guy!

Dawn and Irwin ~ Not only did you have sunshine but you indeed set your unity candle ablaze!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Mark and Kacie's Wedding Ceremony and Celebration at Kiana Lodge

Mark and Kacie "tied the knot" on Sunday, August 15th at one of my most favorite venues on the planet for a wedding ceremony and reception!

Kacie was absolutely stunning in her gown and Mark was all smiles as Kacie was escorted down the aisle by her Father.

This couple had a traditional and contemporary "feel" about them - and sometimes, this is more challenging to incorporate into a ceremony as you are straddling both formal and more fun and upbeat pieces within a wedding ceremony.

And everything "mixed well" ~ there were a few tears, a few laughs, a little seating snafu that turned out just fine and an amazing post-ceremony group photo ~ don't you just love a wedding!

Gorgeous Photo by the wonderful Jenny Jimenez at

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Renee and Michael's Wedding Day at Newcastle Golf & Country Club ~ A Magical "13" Day of Prosperity and Good Fortune

Renee & Michael

During this year, I had the wonderful opportunity to come to know Renee and Michael as they moved toward their wedding day.

And sometimes, a photo says it all. Forget the blog posting!

I could write hundreds of words about Renee and Michael - about their devotion, love story, fun quirks and funny stories.

Photographer Alex Rubin so exquisitely captured Renee and Michael during a private moment on their wedding reception night, just before the sun went down over Newcastle Golf and Country Club.

Hand in hand. So meant to be.

My very best to you both, Renee and Michael.



Monday, August 16, 2010

An Early Morning Wedding Ceremony on Ruby Beach ~ Washington Coast!

Photographer Carrie Stark was with me on a brisk morning last week and captured this sweet image of Mark and Juanita Vidger immediately after they were married at Ruby Beach on the Washington Coast.

When I arrived at Ruby Beach on this early morning, I was so happy to see Carrie and finally meet Mark and Juanita who planned their oceanside ceremony from their home in Colorado.

With their closest friends and a well-dressed ring bearer and flower girl at their side, Mark and Juanita exchange vows on the sand ~ a truly perfect and some ways mystical moment.

I walked away from the beach to my car and looked back - just wanting a last look at the ocean and couple before getting in my car for the four hour drive back to my home on Bainbridge Island. I love the ocean and I left feeling very happy.

What a way to start your day!

Carrie Stark:

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Danny and Amber's Waterside Wedding Ceremony On A Very Hot Afternoon ~ Kiana Lodge

Daniel & Amber Lopez ~ Kiana Lodge
Summer of 2010

I don't know why I love this photo so much. Maybe because it's a "big picture" from Daniel and Amber's wedding ceremony waterside at Kiana Lodge in Poulsbo.

Maybe it is because it's also a private sort of photo - you can see what's going on but you really can't.

What did I love most about Daniel and Amber's wedding ceremony in addition to their beloved wedding dog, Charlie, who did an outstanding job as ring bearer?

I loved this couple's transparency. Danny and Amber have shared more than 9 years of loving relationship and they wear their love and devotion on their sleeves. We wove their journey of love and change into their Friday evening ceremony and each person present walked away inspired by Danny and Amber's verve for life, their quest for individual achievement and growth as a couple and just because they are so much darn fun!

Danny and Amber - much Aloha to you!

Sunday, August 01, 2010

There Are Venues For Weddings in Seattle ~ And Then There Are Hidden & Remarkable Venues....

Lee and Dawn Mitchell ~ Hotel 1000
Seattle, Washington

Lee and Dawn celebrated their marriage with 150+ family and friends at one of my most favorite hotel venues in downtown Seattle for a wedding ceremony and celebration ~ Hotel 1000.

This couple's wedding ceremony and celebration was all about elegance, sophistication and fun. I have officiated at Hotel 1000 a number of times over the years and this property and their staff consistently delivers for a couple in all ways (and no, I'm not plugging this for money, fame or fortune!)

Lee and Dawn were smart to select Hotel 1000 for their wedding day. It "felt" like them and when it comes to a venue selection, that's what it is all about ~ selecting a venue that reflects your taste, sense of adventure and humor and most of all, a venue that is known for having a staff that truly cares about a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Colin and Andrea: An Imperfect Spot At Golden Gardens Park For A Perfect Wedding...

Colin & Andrea ~ July 2010 ~ Golden Gardens, Seattle, WA

Colin and Andrea found an imperfect spot for their wedding ceremony near their wedding reception venue at Golden Gardens Park.

And in this imperfect spot, the perfect vows were exchanged by a couple meant to be together.

I love imperfect weddings. And it's no secret that most wedding ceremonies are all slightly imperfect. That's what makes them perfect. The best wedding ceremonies memories are in the unexpected moments - the occasional glitches - the tears out of nowhere - the moments of humor and glee that take your breath away.

Colin and Andrea ~ thank you for giving us the lovely opportunity to "parade" with you to your ceremony site and to share in your imperfectly perfect moment.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Rose and Quinn's Intimate And Elegant Wedding Ceremony At The Willows Lodge ~ Celebrating The Crowell/Quinn Family!

Rose and Quinn met quite by chance.

The were living in different States when introduced on a "hunch" by Rose's niece. Quinn and Rose were delighted to find such a sweet love at mid-life and Rose picked up her life and her girls and moved to be with Quinn and his boys.

Rose and Quinn have worked to create a loving and blended family that not only includes the two of them, but two boys, two girls, a dog, a cat, other creatures - and lots of love!

Orchestrating a blended family isn't an easy job. And yet, somehow, when you witnessed the excitement, peace and comfort in the eyes of Quinn, Rose and their children on this wedding day, such a big job makes beautiful sense.

To Photographer Cory Parris - thank you so much for this wonderful photo!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Doug and Theresa's Orcas Island Wedding ~ Sweet, Elegant And Just The Two Of Them...

I love elopements.

I love weddings big and small and in-between.

Elopements are just plain fun.

Doug and Theresa celebrated their loving partnership with a most elegant wedding ceremony for two at The Outlook Inn on Orcas Island.

With staff as thrilled witnesses, a great photographer from Friday Harbor (James Krall), and moi, we had such a wonderful time getting this couple married!

Doug and Theresa worked with me to create a very robust and sweet wedding ceremony ~ complete with special mementos, beautiful vows, special words to the other and more.

Yes, there is a paradox in life that applies to elopements: what is small is really big.

Monday, July 05, 2010

A Beautiful Wedding At The Woodmark Hotel ~ July 3, 2010 ~ And We Had Sweet Sunshine!

Jeff and Emily Haines were married at The Woodmark Hotel this past Saturday, July 3rd.
And for their 6:00 p.m. wedding ceremony, the clouds parted and we had beautiful sunshine!
Jeff and Emily worked with me to create a wedding ceremony that was truly reflective of "them" and their relationship. It was part sacred, part fun and most of all, hugely authentic.
Jeff and Emily wrote personal words to each other before their formal wedding vows and being the spunky gal that Emily is, just stole the show with her joy and verve! (Jeff - how lucky are you?!)
And for a flourish at the end, after a beautiful kiss and being pronounced as husband and wife, Jeff and Emily pulled sunglasses from their pockets and wore shades and danced down the aisle! Yes, Emily's beautiful wedding dress had pockets!
Jeff and Emily ~ enjoy Mexico!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Small and Intimate Wedding Ceremony: 3 Tips For A Sweet And Memorable Moment

Andrea & Vivian ~ DeLille Cellars
photo by Tasha Owen
Weddings come in all shapes and sizes. The small and intimate wedding ceremony is a favorite for me. It offers a couple a sweet and personal experience with a tight group of family and friends. If you are planning a small and intimate ceremony, here are three wedding planning tips to consider as you move closer to your wedding day:
1) Consider A Weekday Wedding: Small and intimate wedding ceremonies are perfect for a weekday. By having your wedding on a weekday, you may save money with preferred pricing as many wedding professionals will be very happy to have a weekday booking.
2) Involve Your "Tribe" In Your Ceremony: Working with your Officiant, Minister or Rabbi, work to create a ceremony that sweetly involves everyone in the room. I am officiating a ceremony for Colin and Andrea this coming Sunday and we're having a "parade" of family and friends to the wedding site along with a group reading. Fun and elegant in all ways...
3) Plan A Special Surprise: A small and intimate wedding ceremony is a perfect size gathering for a special surprise during your wedding ceremony. Any surprise needs to be well orchestrated by the person leading your ceremony and if executed well, can create a lifetime memory.
A few months back, I officiated a ceremony for a wonderful couple. Brian had never formally proposed to Amy and I found this out while working to create/write their ceremony. I called Brian and after a little conversation, we landed on a perfect surprise for Amy. On their wedding day, and before their exchange of vows, Brian got down on one knee and proposed to Amy. If only you could have seen Amy's face.
Tasha Owen Photography:

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ever Have One Of Those Life Moments That Are Beyond Precious? The Tale Of Mommy and Daddy's "Run-A-Way Boy!"

I don't know how she did it, but Seattle photographer, Barbie Hull, was "on it" during Michael and Lindy's wedding ceremony at Port Gamble Church in Port Gamble, WA ~ she exquisitely caught this perfect image of little guy Wake running toward his parents during their wedding ceremony!

Wake was supposed to walk his Mother down the aisle and changed his mind at the last moment. Instead, Wake rambled around the bottom floor and balcony of Port Gamble Church during the ceremony, entertaining himself as only little guys do.

As we honored Wake during the ceremony, we all turned and waved to him while he was peaking out from the church's small balcony area. And within a few minutes, Wake was running down the aisle to his parents for a big hug.

Crystal. Sweet. Perfect. Sometimes there are no words for a moment that takes your breath away.

The marvelous Barbie Hull:

Monday, June 14, 2010

John and Lorna's Romantic Evening Wedding Ceremony & Celebration At The Willows Lodge

John and Lorna - you are so very, very married!

John and Lorna were married in front of their family and friends - including John's family who flew in from South Africa - at the Willows Lodge this past Friday evening, June 11th.

Jenn Wenman and her staff at The Willows Lodge again went over-the-top to insure every detail was beautiful and elegant for John and Lorna's sophisticated ceremony and reception.

One of my favorite women in Seattle photography, Tasha Owen, was doing her fabulous thing to capture sweet and exquisite "John and Lorna" moments, like the moment to the right.

John and Lorna's wedding ceremony was a mix of traditional and contemporary - including personal words which they wrote separately and shared with each other during their ceremony.

John and Lorna - I wish you a beautiful month's long trip and honeymoon and so appreciate the opportunity to know you over the past months and share in Friday evening!

Jenn Wenman/The Willows Lodge

Tasha Owen

Sunday, June 06, 2010

A Seattle-Kitsap County Inter-Faith Wedding Ceremony - Travis & Margot Style!

I met Travis and Margot more than a year before their wedding ceremony on May 30, 2010.

And on this day, I had the marvelous opportunity to officiate their Inter-Faith wedding ceremony which celebrated their Jewish and Christian traditions/backgrounds.

The night before their Sunday evening wedding, Margot's parents hosted a beautiful sit-down dinner at their Mercer Island home before the casual wedding rehearsal (a bit cramped in a living room and it worked well!)

More than 150 family and friends traveled by ferry to Bremerton for this wedding day. Under a gorgeous Chuppah, Travis and Margot exchanged their vows and involved their parents and wedding party in the exchange of their rings.

Wedding Coordinator Alison Lum did a terrific job pulling together all details for a gorgeous ceremony setting and reception - Alison, you made my job extra easy!

Travis and Margo ~ Thank you. I loved being a part of your wedding day and one day I'd like to tell you about a sweet exchange I had with Margot's Grandfather after the ceremony.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Jeff and Antonia's Wedding Ceremony ~ "Plan B" Was The Best Plan!

I loved every moment of Jeff and Antonia's wedding ceremony.

Even the wacky weather!

On this wedding day we had clouds, great sunshine, light rain, a downpour, a rainbow and more sun.

And while the wacky weather forced us to move the ceremony inside, in hindsight, "Plan B" was actually the best plan for this couple.

As you can see from the glorious photo at the right taken immediately after their ceremony, this day was hugely joyful and such a celebration for Jeff and Antonia who planned their Kitsap County wedding from Canada!

Jeff and Antonia were fortunate to have Photographer Catherine Abegg capture this moment and more ~ Catherine, you totally "got this couple!"

Here's what I took away from Jeff and Antonia's wedding day: 1) do what is important to you as a couple; 2) when things don't go one way, let it go and move on to the next plan; 3) I still want to know where Antonia got her gorgeous wedding gown!

Catherine Abegg:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tricks From An Officiant's Goodie Bag ~ Three Best Suggestions For An Elegant Wedding Ceremony...

In this work that I do, every couple I work with has a different vision for their wedding day.

So, indulge me while I take a minute or so so share a few of my hard-learned tips to creating a more elegant wedding ceremony:

1) Give Your Guests A Job ~ Before your ceremony begins or before pronouncement, have your Officiant/Minister tell your family and friends what is "going to happen next." This way, guests know what to do immediately after a ceremony and this creates a more elegant transition from ceremony to party/reception.

2) My Half-Hour Suggestion ~ If your wedding ceremony is starting at 6:00 p.m., put 5:30 p.m. on the invites. This "fudge time" allows for a little extra time for a bride/groom and wedding party and also creates a more easy and elegant welcoming for family and friends.

3) Put your Intention On Creating An Imperfect Wedding Day ~ Perfect Wedding days are "perfect' because they are imperfect. This is the paradox of a wedding day. Focus on the key ingredients of a beautiful wedding day: love, appreciation, gratitude, anticipation and peace. I love and treasure the imperfect moments of a wedding ceremony as they are spontaneous, often fun and joyful and handled with ease and care, they creates lifetime moments.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mark and Donna Winningham: The Court In The Square And One Very Amazing Couple...

Mark and Donna "On The Roof" At Court In The Square
Seattle, Washington

I left Mark and Donna's wedding ceremony on May 2nd with a happy bounce in my step. It brought me great joy to know a couple so incredibly suited to one another and to create and deliver a ceremony that was truly about the two of them and their closest family and friends.

Mark and Donna worked to create a ceremony that celebrated their "tribe" - their children, grandchildren and closest friends. We had tears, we had laughter and there was so much gratitude in the room.

Mark's son, Rob, flew up from Oregon on the morning of the wedding and returned immediately after the ceremony as his wife was expecting their child "at any moment." I got a happy email from Donna the following day letting me know she and Mark were thrilled Grandparents once again!

Photographer Craig Larsen exquisitely captured Mark and Donna during their ceremony and on the "roof" of Court In the Square. I absolutely insist that every couple I marry at Court in the Square take a "roof top photo" - such a delicious memento immediately following a ceremony!

Craig Larsen:

Monday, May 10, 2010

You've Got To Love Seth & Amy! A Unique and Fun Wedding Ceremony At Point Defiance Aquarium With Sharks As Company!

Amy and Seth ~ Point Defiance Aquarium

Take a look at the photo above. The "left" side of the photo. See the shark swimming by?

Seth and Amy were married in front of their family and friends (and sharks!) at the marvelous Point Defiance Aquarium. Photographer Bob Carter captured so many great images from this wedding ceremony and did a spectacular job, considering the lighting challenges.

Yes, you've gotta love this couple! Seth and Amy are fun, fun and more fun. They created a very personalized ceremony, complete with a "25 places we will travel" keepsake box to be treasured and experienced for years to come.

The Point Defiance Aquarium staff were on hand and greeted guests with a few "permanent residents" who squawked and entertained on the arms/hands of staff.

I left Seth and Amy's wedding ceremony on this glorious Spring Saturday evening with a big smile on my face - fun was had by all!

Photographer Bob Carter:

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Moments of Joy In A Wedding Ceremony ~ What I Know For Sure About Tears, Hankies and Those "Unexpected Moments..."

Chris and Sarah ~ April, 2010
Port Ludlow Resort

There were moments during Chris and Sarah's Saturday evening wedding ceremony that were funny. There were moments that were poignant, sweet, sentimental and a few that required a hankie. And Chris and Sarah were truly elegant and present for all of this.

I'm fond of saying a wedding is an event AND it is an emotional event. At a wedding, I've come to learn that people are listening AND they are not listening.

Because a wedding is an emotional event, a couple, wedding party and family and friends are most often "in feeling mode" - and officiating a ceremony so that the "feeling of the moment" is captured is both an art, a science (sort of!) and something learned over time.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Stevie and Kelli ~ You Are So Very Married! Wed On April 24, 2010 ~ The Sorrento Hotel, Seattle!

Stevie and Kelli ~ You did it! You are so very married!

More than 100 family and friends gathered for Stevie and Kelli's wedding ceremony atop the Sorrento Hotel. And the very slow hotel elevator only added to the fun and ambience of this day.

Kelli was absolutely smashing in her gown and accessories and as I told her new husband more than once, "Stevie, you are one lucky guy!"

Working together, we created a personalized wedding ceremony that included tributes to the couple's parents, special gifts to their parents, keepsake mementos created and exchanged by Stevie and Kelli during their ceremony...and humor. You could not have a wedding ceremony for this couple without humor!

Stevie and Kelli ~ congratulations!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Tony and Shannon Ihlen: A Rainy ~ Sunny ~ Windy ~ Rainbow Filled Wedding Day At Alderbrook Resort, Union, WA...

Tony and Shannon Ihlen
April 17, 2010 ~ Alderbrook Resort

Mother Nature was in full force during Tony and Shannon's wedding day. When I arrived at Alderbrook Resort for Tony and Shannon's 4:00 p.m. wedding ceremony, it was raining.

And within the next two hours, we had more rain, no rain, a little wind, sunshine - big sunshine! - and a rainbow. And then, a downpour!

50+ family and friends gathered for Tony and Shannon's waterside wedding at Alderbrook Resort this past Saturday and the weather just became a part of this couple's story. This was such a fun ceremony - Tony and Shannon share a great sense of humor and Tony's friend, Photographer Mike Tallman, had his running shoes on to capture the marvelous fun during the couple's vows and more.

And just after the ceremony completed, a rainbow - peaking through the clouds. The funny thing is that on this exact Saturday a year ago, I married Matt and Katie in the exact same location at Alderbrook and right after their ceremony, a rainbow!

Mike and Tiffany - thank you for the beautiful images from this ceremony - you captured this couple so beautifully! And Julie Noice - your staff at Alderbrook Resort is the very best!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Incorporating Hawaiian Customs, Rituals & Traditions Into Your Wedding Ceremony

When a couple incorporates rituals, themes or traditions from the Hawaiian tradition, this makes a wedding ceremony extra sweet.

As I move into this year, I find that four of my couples are weaving in Hawaiian pieces into their ceremonies. There are many ways to do this. Chip and Susanne were married recently at St. Paul's Church in Port Gamble and being that Chip has family and history from Hawaii, this couple exchanged leis at the beginning of their ceremony and also offered leis to family members.

Using the koa wood bowl for the blessing of the rings and ring exchange is also something that I'm writing into a few ceremonies that I am working on.

And here's what's true: if you'd like to incorporate Hawaiian tradition/ritual into your ceremony and don't have ties to the Hawaiian culture, "just do it!" A wedding ceremony is all about finding what resonates with your heart and Hawaiian marriage customs/traditions are beautiful in all ways.

Monday, April 05, 2010

It Was A "Wedding Weekend" At The Marvelous Hollywood Schoolhouse in Woodinville!

Sarah & Dan Whitford
March 27, 2010
Hollywood Schoolhouse
Jesse & Kelly Havens
March 26, 2010
Hollywood Schoolhouse

Talk about synchronicity! I married two wonderful couples last weekend at the marvelous Hollywood Schoolhouse in Woodinville.

Jesse & Kelly were married on Friday evening and one of the sweet moments were the wishes and wisdom shared by both Fathers from the couple's Grandparents who could not travel for the evening.

Less than 24 hours later, I was back at The Hollywood Schoolhouse (yeah!) for Dan and Sarah's Saturday evening ceremony, featured in the photo above. I am quite sure Dan and Sarah's wonderful photographer, Brooke Hendricks, "got" the huge smiles on their faces during the ceremony - I'll also make a bet that one of these images will be a favorite from this day!

If you are seeking a sweet and wonderful venue for your wedding ceremony, please contact Manager Lori Reeder at The Hollywood Schoolhouse - she's one of the best in this business and will take very good care of you. Take a peak:

Hendricks Photography:

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Andre and Amanda's Beautiful March Wedding Day ~ The Pickering Barn, Issaquah, WA

Andre and Amanda
March 20, 2010
The Pickering Barn

Okay, just look at these sweet smiling faces!

Andre and Amanda are one of those young "it" couples. They met as teen-agers and have created a most remarkable, loving and compassionate relationship over the past six years. And for a big chunk of those years, this included a long-distance relationship.

In front of 200+ family and friends, Andre and Amanda exchanged their vows. A sweet moment in the ceremony for me was when little flower girl Nola walked down the aisle. I was fortunate to have married her parents, Mark and Meghan, a few years ago at Bastyr Chapel and if you know this couple, their little girl is going to be a dynamo in life!

Andre and Amanda - thank you for trusting me with your story. I left your ceremony with a little lilt in my step ~ it was fun to be back in my old neighborhood (Issaquah), where I lived for six years before moving to Bainbridge Island.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Children At A Wedding Ceremony ~ Unexpected Moments and Memories...

Kenneth & Robyn
Shilshole Bay Beach Club
Seattle, WA

Ken and Robyn's wedding ceremony on a March Saturday morning at Shilshole Bay Beach Club was blessed with incredible sunshine.

In front of 150 family and friends, Ken and Robyn exchanged vows and I'm hopeful their photographer was able to capture the huge smiles and meaningful glances they exchanged during their wedding ceremony!

Ken and Robyn worked to create an elegant yet casual ceremony and reception that was truly about family - there were children running around and this only added to the joy in room. Many wedding ceremonies I attend don't have children in attendance, particularly the evening ceremonies. It was meaningful for me to be reminded of how much fun children do have at a wedding and incorporating the little ones creates memories - although most often hugely unexpected moments/memories!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

FAQ To Annemarie "Why Do You Do This Work?" And The Answers Are....

Why do I do this work? It's interesting to me how often I am asked this question.

So, just for fun, here are a few answers:

~ I do this work because it keeps me humble. I am wildly curious about love - what brings a couple together, why two people are committing for life. And in this work, I get a front row seat to love and am grateful for each and every opportunity.

~ Because this work grows me. This work pushes me to work at a 'perfume' level - most of the time, I get there. On occasion, I don't. With each year of doing this work, I grow and "buff up" as an Officiant and Celebrant even more...

~ Because sometimes this work scares me. Yes, scares me. Weddings are big/huge. I take this work on as "big/huge." I am better at this work because I always feel the tension of a wedding - the gentle tension that I've got one shot to get things right. This tension works to makes me a better Celebrant and Officiant. And sometimes, the work is tough. Mostly, it is truly remarkable in all ways.

~ Mostly, I do this work because it's a perfect storm of my heart, talent, curiosity and just because it's darn fun!

Photo: Doug and Luanna right after their wedding on February 28th - The Willows Lodge!

Monday, March 08, 2010

The First Weekend Of March ~ A Big Wedding Weekend in Seattle!

March 6 & 7, 2010 ~ Ah, Love!

Wasn't the weather absolutely glorious this past week, especially on Saturday?

Bryce and Irene took me up on my "advice" and were married mid-week under a huge zillion year old tree in a "secret park" here in Seattle. Bryce's parents flew up from Florida for the event and the "friend paparazzi" were on hand to capture the event.

Congratulations to Robyn and Kenny married under great sunshine at the Shilshole Bay Beach Club and to Chris and Kriste' married at the Edgewater Hotel. It was a marvelous time at SODO Park on Saturday afternoon for Joe and Christine's wedding ceremony - tears, giggles, cheers - what a time!

I was deeply touched to join Colleen and Matt for their intimate ceremony with family and friends at a private home late Saturday evening. The story surrounding this couple's wedding pulls on the heart strings - Colleen and Matt, I wish you much peace and comfort in the days ahead and a very happy married life together.

And finally, on Sunday afternoon, I was at Kiana Lodge (near my home!) for Jackie and Jennifer's wedding extravaganza. Pam and Nancy at Kiana Lodge always do such a fantastic job for their couples and they went above and beyond to insure that this wedding day was sweet and magical in all ways.
425 922 1325

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Andrew and Vivian's Sunny Weekday Wedding At DeLille Cellars, Woodinville...

Andrew and Vivian Seelye ~ DeLille Cellars
February 22, 2010

It was such a sweet moment on Monday the 22nd for the family and friends of Andrew and Vivian, married at the wonderful DeLille Cellars in Woodinville.

I captured this photo of Andrew and Vivian just before their ceremony. It was a treat for me to work with this couple. Together, we created a warm and intimate ceremony that reflected Andrew and Vivian's values, backgrounds and loving relationship.

Andrew and Vivian - how blessed you are to have each other! As Andrew said in his vows, "little did I know that two years ago I would find this wonderful path with you, Vivian!" Andrew, I agree!

Monday, February 22, 2010

February Wedding Ceremonies in Seattle/Tacoma ~ Love Is In Bloom This February 2010!

John and Shelbie ~ February 2010

It was a wonderful weekend for three marvelous weddings! I was fortunate to marry two couples at The Willows Lodge on Friday the 19th - congratulations to Cathy and Stephen and Melissa and Jason! The Willows Lodge ( is a marvelous venue for an intimate wedding ceremony and Jenn Wenman and her staff there are exceptional!

It was then down to Thorne Castle in Tacoma to share in Clint and Karen's wedding ceremony at "2:25 p.m." I was so grateful to share in this day and for good reason. Clint was in the hospital for 30+ days earlier this year with swine flu, including 17 days in a medical coma. I'm awaiting photos and will share when I receive them. It was a hugely emotional ceremony for all, me included. Talk about such a "happy factor" in the room - with huge kudos to the terrific medical staff at St. Clare Hospital/Tacoma!

And congratulations to John and Shelbie married on February 14th ~ I love this photo of this sweet couple just after they said "I do!"

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Blue Ribbon Cooking School Hosts Sean and Dawn's Wedding Ceremony ~ February 2010 ~ Seattle, WA!

A Quick "After The Ceremony" Smooch!
Sean & Dawn ~ February, 2010

What a treat it was for me to know Sean and Dawn Ryan and officiate their non-denominational wedding ceremony this past weekend!

Sean and Dawn held their ceremony and celebration at the Blue Ribbon Cooking School in Seattle. This is a fabulous venue for such an event and as always, Event Mangers, Vanessa and Amy, did a terrific job pulling together all details to insure a gorgeous evening for this sweet couple. And DJ Chris Graves, as always, was an absolutely "rockin' pleasure!" to work with.

Blue Ribbon Cooking Company:

DJ Chris Graves:

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

A Walk Down Memory Lane With Kelly and Ryan ~ Featured Now On Seattle Style!

Kelly & Ryan ~ Villa Academy

Kelly and Ryan just made my afternoon! I married this marvelous couple last May at Villa Academy in Seattle and I just received a very sweet note from Kelly saying "hello!"

Kelly and Ryan's wedding was absolutely gorgeous and memorable in all ways ~ featured now on the Seattle Style wedding website. I invite you to take a peak at Kelly and Ryan's Wedding Day here!
Kelly & Ryan's Wedding Day

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Islandwood on Bainbridge Island Hosted Steve and Gabe's Wedding Weekend ~ Kudos To Everyone!

Steve & Gabe ~ Islandwood/Bainbridge Island, WA January 30, 2010

Steve and Gabe were married at one of Bainbridge Island's treasures - Islandwood. Islandwood is now hosting seven weddings each year and Steve and Gabe were fortunate to be "wedding #2." Allyson, Jaime, Marla and the staff at Islandwood did an extraordinarily job in helping me to pull together this couple's Interfaith wedding ceremony. Olympia-based Photographer Andrea Latham ( created lifetime memories for our couple with exquisite photos.

There was so much joy in the room as Steve and Gabe were married under a hand-made Chuppah. Family and friends participated in the wedding ceremony and Steve and Gabe incorporated rituals and elements from their Jewish and Catholic traditions. In this work that I do, I love it when a couple creates a robust wedding ceremony that is full of sacred moments, gratitude, fun and joy.

Monday, February 01, 2010

The Marvelous John and Anri ~ Married At Home, Seattle Style!

Congratulations to John & Anri!

Anri has a sparkle to her that lights up a room with her grace, style and smarts. John is one of those "great guys" who flys under the radar doing amazing things in this world...including being a Father to four terrific children.

John and Anri were married at home with their closest family and friends at their side.

I love all weddings. I treasure small weddings.

Small and intimate weddings have a sweetness to them...a "cozy factor" that you can't replicate at a venue, near the water or elsewhere.

Perhaps I love the small home wedding because that was what my wonderful husband, Greg, and I chose for our wedding. Two couples we treasured (and still do!), our Officiant Tom, and our four dogs as our "back-up witnesses!"

And of course, a wedding isn't about the size of the guest list. It's about the heart of a ritual that celebrates two people choosing each other for life.

Happy February 1st!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Brian and Marjan's Persian & Jewish Wedding Ceremony At The Rainier Club - Joy And More Joy!

Brian and Marjan Disler ~ The Rainier Club

It was truly an honor for me to create and deliver Brian and Marjan's Inter-Faith wedding ceremony at The Ranier Club. Brian and Marjan live in New York City and took a leap of faith on the "marrying lady" in Seattle sight unseen! We worked together via email and phone to create and craft a beautiful ceremony that wove together the traditions and rituals from Marjan's Persian Heritage and Brian's Jewish Heritage.

Jen and Jody from captured the true essence of this beautiful couple with lasting photo memories.

Brian and Marjan - "may your love be as difficult to break as it would be to put back together the pieces of this glass!" Mazel Tov!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

An "Aloha" Wedding At The Willows Lodge - Congratulations to George & Kris!

George and Kris ~ The Willows Lodge ~ A Winter Wedding

The Spirit of Aloha! There was so much "Aloha" at George and Kris's Winter wedding at The Willows Lodge. So much love.

For their ceremony, George and Kris included a wide variety of personalized elements and pieces to include family and friends in the moment. Thinking back, there was so much and what stood out was the exchange of leis, warm words to family and parents, a "surprise" to open on a special wedding anniversary, a song by the Bride's Mother with a chorus of cousins and much more.

George and Kris - I wish you every happiness! And thank you to Alyssa of Alyssa Rose Photography for this gorgeous photo!
