Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Case For Or Against A Traditional Aisle Runner For A Wedding Ceremony...

Thom & Susie Cosgrove DAR House, 2007...Living happily in their new State of Maine!"

I was at a wedding last night for a most wonderful couple and if the bride/groom had indeed put down the aisle runner as intended, I'm quite certain one or more of the wedding party would have slipped or stumbled.

You see, aisle runners can be "dangerous." Yes, truly. If you put an aisle runner on a slippery surface or grassy surface without proper taping or another method of securing the runner, people go flying.

So, if you're thinking about an aisle runner and you absolutely must have one (as you can tell, I'm not a big fan), make sure your runner is going on a safe/proper surface and is well secured.

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