KING 5 TV's "Best of Western WA" contest is in full swing and it's been ultra fun for me to re-connect with many couples from the past couple of years.
Best of Western Wa: http://tinyurl.com/3mq87bq
Amy Ullrich sent me this photo from her May wedding - so delighted to hear she and Kevin are doing so well.
Danny and Emily just celebrated their third anniversary and their little girl, Ruby Jane, has red hair, too!
Christine & Joe are expecting another baby in March and big sister, Olympia, gets a sibling.
Michael and Shannon are pregnant. Christine and Alan are pregnant. Sunrise and Keith are pregnant. Doug and Theresa are pregnant. Babies everywhere...and so many more blessed to be born to such beautiful people.
Emily and Jeff have a new fur kid, Cody. Lydia and Patrick are in full swing with their new business. David & Jess are finally home.
The tapestry of life - I feel so incredibly blessed to do this work.