Friday, May 12, 2006

Petals! Petals! The Joy of the Flower Girl...

In a more traditional or formal wedding ceremony, a flower girl frequently precedes the bride and her escort down the aisle. I get a kick out of flower girls - whether they be a baby in the arms of a Mom or Dad, a toddler who barely makes it down the aisle or a pre-teen who is over-the-top proud to be part of the festivities.

If you are having a flower girl in your wedding here are a few tips from this Officiant who sees things from a different perspective:

1) Freezing up. The younger the flower girl, the more chance there is that she may freeze up half-way down the aisle. If a flower girl is very young, I often place several adults in the aisle and they help the flower girl along. Or if needed, I walk down the aisle and escort the petal throwing young lady to her place.

2) Not Enough Petals. Make sure that the petal basket is large enough and has lots of petals. You'd be surprised how often I see a flower girl run out of petals before she is half-way down the aisle!

3) Smile! Please tell your flower girl to smile, make contact with certain people and enjoy the walk.

Petal on!

1 comment:

Riona said...

Nice tips - I'm pretty inexperienced with kids so it's good to have a heads up on the flower girl wrangling ...