Friday, January 09, 2009

Involving Children In Your Wedding Ceremony - Giving A "Big Job" Brings Much Joy and Laughter, too...

Vaughn Helps His Mommy and Daddy With the Unity Candle
Wedding of Barry & April, Salty's on Alki

I had the honor of officiating Barry and April Wressel's ceremony and their son, Vaughn, did a stellar job as the official ring bearer!

Giving children a "job" within a wedding ceremony creates such wonderful memories. And depending on the age of the child, this often creates a childhood memory for life.

If you have a child or children, work with your Officiant to include them not only in the processional/recessional but within the ceremony. I often contemporize the traditional unity candle ritual so that it is personalized and memorable for the specific couple or children. And there are other sweet and wonderful rituals to consider depending on what you want for your ceremony.

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