Saturday, January 24, 2009

Using Your Engagement Time To Deepen Your Relationship...To Walk With Ease And Grace Into Your Wedding Day.

Gloria DeGaetano, M.Ed.
Parent and Pre-Marriage Coach & Consultant

Yes, it's true. A wedding, as wonderful and magical as the experience may be, tends to bring up "stuff." Not only for you, the loving and engaged couple, but for your family and friends as well.

A wedding - a marriage - is a ritual and huge life transition, no matter what age or stage of life. In this ceremony work that I do, I have the privilege of knowing couples at a deeper level as we work together to create and deliver a ceremony that reflects their beliefs, mission, community and love story.

As you move toward your wedding day, I encourage you to create your own "pre-marriage" curriculum or series of conversations to deepen your relationship. Or I invite you to sit down with a Pre-Marriage Coach like the wonderful Gloria DeGaetano, M.Ed., for 4-6 sessions, to have positive and pro-active facilitated conversations/sessions about your relationship, family issues, money, intimacy, challenges/joys - everything that a long-term loving marriage is about.

Gloria and her husband, David, have been married for 25+ years, raised two amazing sons and share a beautiful marriage that is a role model for those around them. Visit Gloria at: or email her at for information about availability and services/rates.

Annemarie 425 922 1325

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